2012-01-01 New Year Blessings Pooja

2012-01-01 New Year Blessings Pooja

May all your wholesome deeds help you to develop perfections (parami) and generate your bodhi mind towards the Bliss of ever Lasting Happiness Nibbana! May all the devas (divine beings) protect you and all in your family!

Members and well-wishes of Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya attended to the annual transference of merits and protective discourses great chanting (maha pirith) on new year's eve 31st December 2011 and also to the New Year Day Special Pooja on 01st January 2012.

Venerable Akurala Samitha invoked the blessings to all for helping to have a very successful year 2011 and shared the merits with gratitude. Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya Buddhist Centre delightfully wishes everyone a very happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year 2012 with a special Green Message.

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